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What are the best ways to improve the security of your building
6 December 2023

What are the best ways to improve the security of your building?


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1          Assess your risks

Identifying and evaluating the potential risks to your building is the first step to improving its security. You can conduct a security audit or hire a professional to inspect your building and assess its vulnerabilities. Additionally, you should review your current security policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date and effective. When assessing your building's security, consider factors such as the location and neighborhood, the type and condition of doors, windows, locks, and fences, the access control and surveillance systems in place, the lighting and landscaping of the property, emergency preparedness and response plans, as well as the security awareness and training of staff and tenants.


2          Upgrade your locks

One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your building's security is to upgrade your locks. You should replace any old, damaged, or weak locks with high-quality ones that can resist picking, bumping, or drilling. You should also consider installing smart locks that can be operated remotely or with a code, card, or biometric scan. Smart locks can offer you more control and convenience over your building's access, as you can monitor who enters and exits, grant or revoke permissions, and receive alerts or notifications. Additionally, you should change your locks regularly or whenever there is a change in tenancy, staff, or ownership.


3          Install cameras and alarms

Another way to improve your building's security is to install cameras and alarms throughout your property. Cameras can deter potential intruders, capture evidence, and help you monitor your building's activity. You should install cameras in strategic locations, such as entrances, exits, hallways, stairways, parking lots, and common areas. You should also ensure that your cameras are visible, functional, and connected to a secure network. Alarms can alert you, your staff, or the authorities in case of a breach, fire, or emergency. You should install alarms on your doors, windows, and other points of entry, and test them regularly.


4          Hire security guards

If you have a large or high-risk property, you may want to hire security guards to patrol your building and provide an extra layer of protection. Security guards can prevent unauthorized access, enforce rules and regulations, respond to incidents, and assist your tenants and visitors. You should hire security guards from a reputable and licensed company, and provide them with clear instructions and expectations. You should also communicate with your security guards regularly and review their performance and feedback.


5          Educate your staff and tenants

Finally, you can improve your building's security by educating your staff and tenants about the best practices and procedures to follow. You should provide them with information and training on how to prevent and report security issues, how to use and maintain the security equipment, and how to act in case of an emergency. You should also encourage them to cooperate and communicate with you and each other, and to report any suspicious or unusual activity. By creating a culture of security awareness and responsibility, you can foster a safer and more secure environment for everyone.



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